Thursday, July 24, 2008

Vedanta Verses 332 - 33

One who revels in the Truth, in other words, one who understands the Truth or one who is takes to the path of Self discovery attains liberation. Initially one has to discover an interest in self enquiry. In the beginning one should persuade oneself in the study of the scriptures but later on one may develop an absorbing interest in the same. The word ratah here means one who revels in study, reasoning and reflection. Persuading oneself in this direction is the tapsya and in time this becomes effortless. To begin with it is tapasya almost an ascetic practice but later on it becomes ramana or an effortless reveling in that. This asctic practice is not endless but culminates in peace. All tapasya (effort) needs to culminate in effortless reveling, in Brahma vidya it has to end in peace.

When one makes a habit to revel on objects which is false and illusory, one invariably and effortlessly revels in the world. The fact is that one who revels in the falsity will remain in bondage while one who moves from it to self reflection -the truth -will be freed from samsaric illusions.

Thinking that the world has a value and the objects here will satisfy me is called shobhana adhyasa. This comes in the way of renunciates also. A man of right thinking who has abandoned the desire for false objects let him stand/live with his attention fixed to the truth.

Let him not stand as a form but as a being observing all forms. Let him stand by himself. What is this standing by himself mean? It is ayam atma svayam aham asmi= the understanding that the self that is taught by the shastra is indeed myself.

If I see my self as a form then I feel I require other forms to sustain and support me. But as the subject of all forms I require no form to support me or sustain me. When I transcend the universe I transcend the form like in deep sleep. Also when I falsify the form, I falsify the universe.

Such a person who is reflective attains peace. Taking root in the unlimted Being, recognizing that the subject is unlimited makes one peaceful. This is in the form of one’s own experience pertaining to oneself.

Education is to bring one close to one’s un recognized potential, about something that is already there. No effort can actually bring about that which is not there. Experiences of the waking, dream and deep sleep are already there, the education brings about the correction of the error that I am the form that I see, namely the body. No effort can also bring about experience that is already there. NO sadhana can bring about a new experience . The resolution of the mind is daily felt in the sleep and Vedanta does not ask one to get a new experience but to look closely at all experiences and differentiate the seer from all experiences. Spirituality is not generating exhilaration but to make one discern between the expereincer and the experienced, the observer and the observed seer and the seen. Self reflection removes extreme form of sorrow. Therefore a student should dwell less on the object and more on the subject.

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